Definition: The Group Development means, forming the association of people to work as a group and direct their actions towards the accomplishment of a common goal. The jobs of each group member are interdependent and hence the performance of one will affect the entire group’s performance. It is often called as a team building or team development. The most famous and a … [Read more...] about Stages of Group Development
Self Theory
Definition: The Self Theory emphasizes on the set of perceptions an individual has for himself and the perceptions of the relationships he has with others and the other aspects of life. Carl Rogers has contributed significantly towards the self theory. The self theory comprises of four factors that are explained below: Self-Image: Self-image means what an … [Read more...] about Self Theory
Trait Theory
Definition: The Trait Theory asserts that an individual is composed of a set of definite predisposition attributes called as traits. These traits are distinguishable and often long lasting quality or a characteristic of a person that makes him different from the others. The two most common trait theories are: Allport’s Trait Theory: This theory is given by Gordon Allport. … [Read more...] about Trait Theory
Socio-Psychological Theory
Definition: The Socio-Psychological Theory asserts that individual and society are interlinked. This means, an individual strives to meet the needs of the society and the society helps him to attain his goals. Through this interaction, the personality of an individual is determined. The Socio-Psychological theory is the contribution of Adler, Horney, Forman and Sullivan. … [Read more...] about Socio-Psychological Theory
Psychoanalytic Theory
Definition: The Psychoanalytic Theory is the personality theory, which is based on the notion that an individual gets motivated more by unseen forces that are controlled by the conscious and the rational thought. Sigmund Freud is closely related to the psychoanalytic theory. According to him, the human behavior is formed through an interaction between three components of the … [Read more...] about Psychoanalytic Theory
Theories of Personality
Definition: The Personality refers to the distinct traits, thoughts, feelings, actions and characteristics of an individual that differentiates him from other individuals. Simply, the personality is the typical behavior of a person in which he responds to the given situations. The term personality is derived from a Latin word ”persona” which means to speak through, it is … [Read more...] about Theories of Personality
Process of Delegation of Authority
Definition: The Delegation of Authority is a process wherein the manager assigns responsibility to its subordinate along with the certain authority to accomplish the task on the manager’s behalf. Process of Delegation of Authority The process of delegation of authority comprises of four steps which are as follows: Assignment of Duties to Subordinates: Before the … [Read more...] about Process of Delegation of Authority
Principles of Delegation of Authority
Definition: The Delegation of Authority is a process through which a manager assigns responsibility to the subordinate to carry out the work on his behalf. Also, a certain authority is delegated to the subordinate to the extent, which is sufficient to accomplish the assigned responsibility. Principles of Delegation of Authority Following are the guidelines that can be … [Read more...] about Principles of Delegation of Authority
Elements of Delegation of Authority
Definition: The Delegation of Authority is a process through which manager assigns responsibility to the subordinate with a certain level of authority, i.e. power to take decisions, in order to accomplish certain assignments on the manager’s behalf. Elements of Delegation of Authority There are three major elements of delegation of authority: Responsibility: The … [Read more...] about Elements of Delegation of Authority
Delegation of Authority
Definition: The Delegation of Authority is an organizational process wherein, the manager divides his work among the subordinates and give them the responsibility to accomplish the respective tasks. Along with the responsibility, he also shares the authority, i.e. the power to take decisions with the subordinates, such that responsibilities can be completed efficiently. In … [Read more...] about Delegation of Authority